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- 聽音樂
- 演唱歌手:電影原聲帶
- 專輯名稱:灌籃大帝
- 唱片公司:環球音樂
- 發行時間:2008/03
關於音樂:職業籃球運動與黑人音樂結合,一直是行之有年,所以在激烈的賽事場合,也往往是一場巨型的歡樂派對,這部電影為重現70年代的氛圍,特別集結了當時aba賽事上最常播放的夯歌,威爾法洛甚至以主角的名字獻聲演唱〈love me sexy〉,性感磁性的表現簡直有如barry white再現!曾在「髮膠明星夢」電影版演出要角的黑人新星elijah kelley也翻唱了earth, wind, and fire的暢銷金曲〈shining star〉,除了這兩首新曲,專輯更是蒐羅了昔日靈魂、放克、迪斯可的經典曲,曾在電影「紅磨坊」被三大女星翻唱的〈lady marmalade〉這裡收錄了patti labelle原汁原味的冠軍版本;藍眼靈魂的經典團體war獻出他們最知名的歡樂歌曲〈why can't we be friends〉及〈the world is a ghetto〉,放克大團sly & the family stone則祭出〈dance to the music〉及翻唱自doris day的名曲〈que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be)〉,效果令人莞爾!另外如jean knight的〈mr. big stuff〉、ohio players的〈love rollercoaster〉皆是單曲榜與r&b榜雙料冠軍的勁曲,這張原聲帶可視為70年代黑人之聲的經典合輯,不容錯過!
01.love me sexy - new version featuring will ferrell
02.get the funk out ma' face - brothers johnson us r&b #1
03.lady marmalade – labelle us pop #1
04.the world is a ghetto - war us pop #7, us r&b #3
05.tell me something good - ronnie laws
06.mr. big stuff - jean knight us pop #1, us r&b #1
07.give me just a little more time - chairman of the board us pop #3, us r&b #8
08.why can't we be friends – war us pop #6, us r&b #9
09.walking in rhythm - the blackbyrds us pop #6
10.dance to the music - sly & the family stone us pop #8, us r&b #9
11.love rollercoaster - ohio players us pop #1, us r&b #1
12.que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be) - sly & the family stone
13.move on up - curtis mayfield
14.shining star - new version featuring elijah kelley