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破億點擊暖嗓女聲 蔡佩軒Ariel Tsai
全新創作單曲「My All in All」
菲律賓索尼音樂近期成立子廠牌「WATERWALK RECORDS」,當地知名藝人Morissette、Hazel Faith、Nathan Huang等皆特別受邀發行福音歌曲,用音樂傳遞信念和祝福!WATERWALK目標邀集全亞洲各地優秀歌手。 台灣「破億點擊認證暖嗓女聲」蔡佩軒Ariel Tsai也在耶誕時節特別發行全創作動人新歌「My All in All」,用自己做見證,用音樂傳播愛與信念。Ariel表示在接獲這個邀約的時候,內心十分激動,可以用自己最愛的音樂表達心裡的熱情與仰望,對她來說是最美好的事情,也是2021年歲末自己所收到最豐盛的禮物。她也希望可以把這份熱情和感動,分享給所有喜愛她的歌迷。
「My All in All」整首歌以鋼琴為基底,由蔡佩軒Ariel自行完成詞曲創作。她回顧自己的過往一年,從YouTuber成為簽約歌手、發行自己首張同名專輯、又達成Legacy千人演唱會的里程碑,卻又隨即受疫情影響,許多演出工作都被取消,起伏與轉變讓她突然迷失了方向。當她終於沈靜下來面對自己,發現所有對於「成功」的定義和眼光原來都是來自於外界,她決定不要再因漫無目的的追尋而感到空虛,她轉向內心、與信仰對話,靜靜感受自己內心的聲音,於是完成了這首歌,歌曲琴聲從悠悠緩緩到壯闊激昂,也彷彿Ariel自己的心境轉折,她希望能用歌曲把自己的經歷和見證分享給需要的人。
單曲製作人符國文Kevin Foo其實正是台灣索尼音樂的總經理(General Manager),Kevin懷抱著對音樂的喜愛和熱情,如同「My All in All」歌曲中滿滿的祝福力量,希望能帶領整個台灣索尼音樂繼續前進。他特別邀來自己音樂上的老師——資深編曲人何國杰(Ricky Ho)擔任編曲,這位「新加坡國寶」曾獲金馬金曲雙項大獎肯定,也為劉德華、郭富城、梅艷芳、鄧麗君等華語音樂史上多位知名歌手擔任編曲,這一次的合作,讓Ariel成為Ricky老師所合作過最年輕的一代歌手,對Ariel來說更是一次很特別的經歷!
蔡佩軒Ariel「My All in All」歌詞
Verse 1:
They say You are mercy
You are everything
Not until I stand here
In your presence LORD
There is nothing that’s left
Jesus make me whole with Your love
They say You are faithful
You are everything
Not until I see You
Working in my life
You are worthy and true
Jesus let Your light shine on me
I don’t need anything else
When I’ve got You my LORD
Don’t need anything else
You are all
I don’t want anyone else
None compares to You LORD
Overwhelmed by Your grace
You are all
My All in All
You say I am made strong
Cause You’re here with me
Now that I have stood here
In your presence LORD
Jesus King of all kings
You have conquered it all for me
You say I am set free
Cause You’re here with me
Now that I have seen You
Working in my life
There is nothing to fear
When the Mighty One lives in me
*Repeat CHORUS*
Jesus You’re more than enough
More than enough for me
*Repeat CHORUS*
Composer/Lyricist: Ariel Tsai
Performer: Ariel Tsai
Produced by: Kevin Foo, Ariel Tsai
Arrangement: Ricky Ho
Piano, Synths, Strings, Drums: Ricky Ho
Guitars: Mervin John
Additional Synths & Guitars: Kevin Foo
Bass: Sean Sinclair
Background Vocals: Ariel Tsai, Kevin Foo, Sean M. Sinclair
Engineered by Sean M. Sinclair at Resident Studios TW
Mixed by Sean M. Sinclair at Resident Studios TW