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恐龍的皮 The Dinosaur’s Skin
〈All My Friends Are Dead〉
2021/4/1 MV上線
2021/4/2 數位上架
頭戴暴龍與三角龍頭套的神秘樂團,號稱來自遠古時代的的新興雙主唱組合,其真實身分在獨立音樂圈引起眾多討論。融合Bedroom Pop、Indie rock、Dream pop、Synth pop、Lofi等等的元素,demo初登場就獲得streetvoice首頁推薦與song of the day 肯定。
首發單曲「All My Friends Are Dead」琅琅上口的大合唱與自嘲戲謔的歌詞,歪斜復古的聲響建構出夢境般的氛圍。身為世界上僅存的兩隻恐龍,以哀傷的口吻與歡快的旋律悼念那些死去的恐龍朋友,同時也以這首歌影射著現代人的社交孤獨。
“All my friends are dead and I feel so lonely tonight.”
恐龍的皮「All My Friends Are Dead」歌詞
作詞 Lyrics:暴龍 T-rex
作曲 Composer:暴龍 T-rex
製作人 Producer:盧羿安 Skippy
編曲 Arranger:盧羿安 Skippy / 暴龍 T-rex
It was just like every other night
All alone and my mind was wandering why
When I saw a meteorite
Falling from the sky
Then I remembered
All my friends are dead
And I feel so lonely tonight
All my friends are dead
And I feel so lonely tonight
Didn’t know we just had our last fight
Never had a chance to say goodbye
When I saw a meteorite Falling from the sky