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沈澱半年,最強新人高爾宣從心出發吶喊出最沉痛的告白「So Bad」
「收到多少愛,就得承受多少誤解,我的榮幸 哪怕一切都是陷阱」
2019年底推出新歌「no name」,述說著成名過後帶來的悲傷與憤怒;而過了半年,OSN再從這些情緒中,找出更深層的無奈獨白也是對自己悲傷的釋放;在年初,有許多關於他前段戀情的新聞,OSN也在這首歌中寫下他選擇沈默的感受。
「I’m sorry,I won’t talk about it,沈默代表我一定會保護到底」
年僅23歲,能有多成熟以及多少力量去面對處理這一切,不管私事或是多小的事,都將被放大檢視;到最後才發現,「保持沈默」是最能保護這一切的方法,至少不去破壞曾經有的美好回憶!這首新歌「So Bad」是由陶山音樂金曲製作人陶山Skot Suyama與OSN一起創作,用輕柔的鋼琴與簡單的吉他旋律進歌,就像安靜地進到OSN的心裡,然後發現那片濃得化不開的黑暗悲傷,你準備好,再一次聽見OSN最深層的悲痛告白了嗎?
高爾宣 OSN「So Bad」歌詞
詞:高爾宣 OSN,陶山 Skot Suyama
曲:高爾宣 OSN,陶山 Skot Suyama
So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad
Tell me what am I supposed to do
And tell me why you wanna burn what we had
When everything I did was for you
Tired to be the only one
I’m not your Earth, and your Moon, and your Sun
So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad
And what am I supposed to do
I ain’t complaining
當我擁有一切 how could I complain it
我的榮幸 哪怕一切都是陷阱
I ain’t complaining
I’m just saying
Sometimes 我也想過默默離開
That’s right shame on me
I never want it all want this fame on me
我只是凡人what you want from me
床頭的藥罐making fun of me
Y’all don’t understand 我的病因不只一個
Take more pills more problems more liquor
I thought that we could handle this like grown man
So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad
Tell me what am I supposed to do
And tell me why you wanna burn what we had
When everything I did was for you
Tired to be the only one
I’m not your Earth, and your Moon, and your Sun
So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad
And what am I supposed to do
I’m sorry
I won’t talk about it
But stop lying 我快看不到妳
如果不是妳 Then I won’t even give a fuck about it
我也想要醫生別再開新的藥 that’s true
想要咆哮 but it’s a mental lockdown
I ain’t no saint
Everybody different
Everybody two faced
Everybody judging
Everybody lying to
Everybody stupid
Everybody shut up just mind your own business
I gotta slow down
Gotta slow down
So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad
Tell me what am I supposed to do
And tell me why you wanna burn what we had
When everything I did was for you
Tired to be the only one
I’m not your Earth, and your Moon, and your Sun
So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad
And what am I supposed to do