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Morrison马仕钊『Oh Ma California』单曲介绍

  • 演唱歌手:马仕钊
  • 专辑名称:Oh Ma California
  • 唱片公司:艾克斯娱乐
  • 发行时间:2020/07

马仕钊2020年全新单曲「Oh Ma California」灵感来自远在加州的母亲一路以来的肯定与支持,结合乡村音乐/Post EDM元素,打造Morrison心中的天使之城。

Disc 1

  • 01 Oh Ma California 词:Morrison Ma 曲:Morrison Ma/CYH


Oh Ma California
Morrison马仕钊 | 2020年全新数位单曲


然而只身来台发展音乐梦的Morrison,历经比赛丶创作丶发片所带来的压力与瓶颈,甚至引发自律神经失调,每天到急诊室报到,离家长达三年之久的Morrison开始自我怀疑丶是否该继续抱持音乐梦还是重回加州的稳定生活,想起远在加州的家人和开着车倘佯在加州一号公路上的风景。「不要放弃!再给自己一点时间努力看看吧!」母亲简单的一句话,却给了Morrison无比的信心,想起当时放弃一切来台的决心,更想起远在加州的母亲一路以来的肯定与支持,让Morrison突然有了灵感丶写下了「Oh Ma California」这首歌曲,每当感到自我怀疑之际,也许你只是累了,听听这首歌,想想自己是如何坚持到现在的,试着找回当时的勇气与力量,休息一下,再继续往梦想出发。

结合乡村音乐丶Post EDM元素 打造Morrison心中的天使之城
Morrison在写下「Oh Ma California」时,希望能够过歌曲让人感受满布阳光的加州,同时也能感受到家人带给自己的正面力量,因此加入乡村音乐与擅长的Post EDM元素来打造歌曲,呈现对家人的思念之情外,也提醒所有和他一样「北漂异地」的游子们,别总是工作而忘了时时刻刻惦记你的家人。

远赴加州实景拍摄 三年未见家人打开房门却满满洋葱
为了强化歌曲的概念,MV更直接回到加州拍摄,包括1st Route(加州一号公路)丶Malibu Beach(马布里海滩)丶Hollywood Walk of Fame(好莱坞星光大道)等知名景点,加州不只是Morrison的成长地,更因为母亲就住在加州,藉由这次MV拍摄,Morrison也终於与三年未见的母亲见面,感人的是Morrison打开房门时发现里面堆满了礼物,原来是三年来未能与母亲一起度过的节日,母亲都买了一份礼物放在Morrison房里,等着他返家的那一天。

Morrison马仕钊「Oh Ma California」歌词
Song by Morrison Ma, CYH
Lyrics by Morrison Ma

Verse 1
When I was twelve, things were going wild
Even fries were salvage they called 'em Animal Style
Endless scenery on 1st Route
I could go for a ride for 10 thousand miles~ yea

That was my sunshine California
Everything here was a brand new start

Chorus 1
I was just a little kid with a kindda big dream
Turn my keyboard on let me play you a song
It goes on and on till the neighbors knock knock

Oh Ma California
Oh Ma California

I am still that little kid with a kindda big dream
Turn the speakers on let me play the same song
It goes on and on till the whole world sings along

Oh Ma California
Oh Ma California

Verse 2
After all these years I’m still on the road
There maybe struggles but it always gives me hope
Oh my City of Angels
Your lights will guide me home wherever I go

I found myself in California
Oh I miss sunshine California

Are there still mixtapes on star boulevard
I’m going back to where it all started

Chorus 2
I was just a little kid with a kindda big dream
Turn my keyboard on let me play you a song
It goes on and on till the neighbors knock knock

Oh Ma California
Oh Ma California

I am still that little kid with a kindda big dream
Turn the speakers on let me play the same song
It goes on and on till the whole world sings along

Oh Ma California
Oh Ma California

Oh Ma California
Oh Ma California