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This song is dedicated to all the brave motherfxxkers that don't let bitches walk over them anymore.
這不是你以為的 Kimberley!
藉由這句關鍵歌詞「9 million $$$ in my bank acc」,Kimberley 散發出「放馬過來、沒在怕的」的自信與態度,Kimberley 也以不同以往的唱腔,宣告她帶著更屌的音樂回來了!
「曾經拿下一億次 YouTube 點擊率的少數華語歌手又如何?我想做回我自己!」
雖然 Kimberley 傳統抒情歌曲的演唱能力已眾所皆知,但其實華語抒情歌,並不是伴隨她長大而且最擅長的音樂類型。這次回歸,她想要做自己心中真正最愛的 Urban 音樂。「9 Million」是由製作人 terrytyelee 與加拿大的製作人 CNFMUS,一起在防疫期間跨海連線製作完成的歌曲,以 Trap 風格重拍節奏,搭配咬耳旋律,讓 Kimberley 的歌聲在全新的音樂氛圍中,有了截然不同的大膽演出!Kimberley 不但從頭參與了音樂製作及歌詞撰寫,甚至連 MV 視覺想法也親力親為。
You gotta take out the trash to get new presents.
陳芳語Kimberley「9 Million」歌詞
Say what they want, I don't care what they say
別說太多 顯得心裡有鬼
I see the road and I'm still on my way
Girls gon do what they want
Who said I can't do what I want
美的醜的 do what you want
沒得吵啊 say what you want
You see the walk
Don't like to talk
Gang related, affiliated
Stay sedated
Always debated
Reporters nag
Body bag
9 million dollars in my bank account
Walked out the door, burned the whole place down
忙著賺錢 別再胡鬧
9 million dollars in my bank account
9 millimeter left you one last round
做自己 不想要客套
沒理想 也不算太糟
Sounds like the same shit, different day
Don't really matter, I still get my way
Girls gon do what they want
Who said I can't do what I want
沒的醜的 do what you want
Watch me, do it, do what I want
You see the walk
Don't like to talk
Gang related, affiliated
Stay sedated
Always debated
Reporters nag
Body bag
9 million dollars in my bank account
Walked out the door, burned the whole place down
忙著賺錢 別再胡鬧
9 million dollars in my bank account
9 millimeter left you one last round
做自己 不想要客套
沒理想 也不算太糟
9 million dollars in my bank account
Walked out the door, burned the whole place down
忙著賺錢 別再胡鬧
9 million dollars in my bank account
9 millimeter left you one last round
做自己 不想要客套
沒理想 也不算太糟