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- 演唱歌手:阿哈合唱团 a-ha
- 专辑名称:成军25周年 解散纪念精选
- 唱片公司:华纳音乐
- 发行时间:2010/10
*成名关键「take on me」丶首支uk攻顶作「the sun always shines on tv」丶007系列〈黎明生机〉主题曲「the living daylights」丶翻唱the everly brothers的「crying in the rain」丶「hunting high and low」丶「i’ve been losing you」丶「cry wolf」丶「stay on these roads」等38首旧作一次到位,追加唯一新曲「butterfly, butterfly (the last hurrah)」!
一个好记又好念的团名丶并让挪威骄傲无比的国宝级乐队a-ha,以一首造就mtv拍摄技术突破升级的主打曲「take on me」,在80年代的新浪潮风格中占有举足轻重地位,除了以琅琅上口丶优美曲调及动人旋律讨好聆听感官,更以帅气脸蛋丶时髦打扮丶热情活力掳获视觉感官,加上毫不吹嘘的创作才华丶精湛的乐器演奏以及彼此默契的搭配,成为最具实力派的偶像代表之一,同是镁光灯下聚焦的所在!
由能够杀光粉丝群丶媒体底片的俊美主唱morten harket丶吉他手pal waaktaar-savoy和键盘手magne furuholmen所共通组成的a-ha,自始至终三位团员都保持深厚情谊,齐心勇闯歌坛25个年头,陆续发行9张录音室作品,写下多达14首英国top20单曲,提名葛莱美「最佳新人」的肯定,风光抱走多达8座mtv音乐录影带大奖,更累积获得挪威当地年度重要音乐盛会spellemannprisen的9座奖项加冕。就在2010年,a-ha宣布从3月4号的南美出发,直到12月4号荣耀站上挪威奥斯陆家乡的舞台,结束名为〈ending on a high note tour〉的世界巡回演唱会之後,a-ha即将解散走入历史。
为了珍惜最後拥有a-ha的机会,破天荒地跨厂牌收藏所有排行畅销金曲,重温这三位大男孩所提供的美好回忆。而新歌加精选的“25”特典,不仅完整的按照发行年份顺序排列,更收录许多特别的混音版本。包括:横扫13国排行冠军的成名关键作,入籍vh1频道“80年代经典歌谣”第24名的「take on me」;首支uk金唱片攻顶作,并曾被奥斯卡大片【贫民百万富翁】选为英国和爱尔兰官方预告片衬乐曲的「the sun always shines on t.v.」;1986年连三发飙进多国排行前十名,敲开国际市场并且站稳脚步,入列最夯新人王宝座的三首单曲「hunting high and low」丶「i’ve been losing you」丶「cry wolf」;全球极速飙升200万销售大关,为007系列第15集【黎明生机】撰写演唱的主题曲「the living daylights」;力道与美感兼具之挪威no.1+爱尔兰#2+法国#3+英国#5的「stay on these roads」;翻唱the everly brothers,打进全美成人抒情榜top26位置的「crying in the rain」;90年代沉寂多时,2000年以後再轰动欧洲各角落的「summer moved on」丶「lifelines」丶「analogue」。尾声奉上最後录音的告别作「butterfly, butterfly (the last hurrah)」,诠释最拿手的synth-pop迷人风采,覆盖随乐起舞的曼妙律动,替a-ha划下不舍却也最完美的句点!
此2cd+1dvd影音珍藏版,dvd特别收录16首历年音乐录影带,其中包括一些稀有或因尺度关系而被禁的版本,再加上1首最新作品「butterfly, butterfly (the last hurrah)」的音乐录影带,岂容错过?!
01.take on me
02.the blue sky
03.the sun always shines on t.v.
04.train of thought (7” remix)
05.hunting high and low (7” remix)
06.i’ve been losing you
07.scoundrel days
08.the swing of things
09.cry wolf
10.manhattan skyline (edit version)
11.the living daylights
12.stay on these roads
13.touchy! (uk dj edit)
14.there’s never a forever thing
15.you are the one (7” remix)
16.the blood that moves the body (two-time gun remix)
17.crying in the rain
18.early morning
19.slender frame
20.i call your name
01.move to memphis (single version)
02.dark is the night for all
03.cold as stone (re-mix)
04.angel in the snow (edit)
05.shapes that go together
06.summer moved on
07.minor earth major sky (niven’s radio edit)
08.the sun never shone that day (radio edit)
10.forever not yours
12.did anyone approach you?
15.cosy prisons (radio mix)
16.foot of the mountain
17.nothing is keeping you here (single remix)
18.shadowside (single edit)
19.butterfly, butterfly (the last hurrah)
the videos:
1.take on me (1985 version)
2.the sun always shines on t.v.
3.i’ve been losing you (original version)
4.manhattan skyline
5.stay on these roads
6.crying in the rain (alternate cut)
7.dark is the night for all (“banned” version)
8.move to memphis
9.shapes that go together
10.angel in the snow
11.summer moved on
12.minor earth major sky
14.did anyone approach you?
15.velvet (european cut)
16.butterfly, butterfly (the last hurrah)
bonus video:
17.take on me (1984 version)